
Showing posts from June, 2023

Terranigma vol. 2: Chapter 8

Hello again! Here we are with chapter 8. A very fun chapter with some moments for reflection. Last time, I mentioned that I have a novel that is greatly inspired by Terranigma, as well as other RPGs like Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger. The name of my novel is Etérrano (okay... I swear the name wasn't a direct reference, really! XD), and if you want to read it, you can get it on in both English and Spanish. Without further ado, here are the links below: Vol. 2 Chapter 8 (English) Vol. 2 Capítulo 8 (Español) Etérrano (my novel!) See you in chapter 9! Riblast

Terranigma vol. 2: Chapter 7

Hello everyone! Okay, we're finally here with the translation of Chapter 7, both in English and Spanish. It really took a lot of effort (especially page 12, oh how I suffered with that one!). I think this is my favorite chapter in the entire Volume 2. Without further ado, below you will find the download links. I hope you enjoy it, and I look forward to your comments! Riblast Vol. 2 Chapter 7 (English) Vol. 2 Capítulo 7 (Español) P.S.: By the way, I have a novel published on Amazon that, while not exactly like Terranigma, does have several elements in common. I suppose I'll tell you more about it later ;P